多种维生素片矿物质片 钙铁锌硒 蓝帽 低蜂胶批发代理|牛千岁蜂胶软胶囊糖尿病克星金奥力牌绿茶肉碱胶囊180粒 正品热瘦身天然维生素E软胶囊/天然VE/抗衰老美白番茄红素软胶囊【健字】|小额批发牛千岁番紫府园原厂正品有机高浓度天然蜂胶胶囊降血招商代理批发正品保健食品乳清蛋白质粉蛋白包邮保健品招商批发|大豆卵磷脂降血脂降血
正规蓝帽产品支持批发 电商代理 商超 医药公司 证件齐全 联系电话18563129599 多件发物流
[功效成分/标志性成分及含量]每100g含:DHA 12.55g、EPA 9.68g
[规 格]1000mg/粒
[执行标准]Q/WNB 0112S
受委托生产商地址:威海齐鲁大道68号 电话:
This poduct is health food made by using the Fish oil, Natual Vitamin E, Gelatin, Glycein, wate as the main mateials, poved has the health cae function of impoving the immunity by animal function test.
[Ingedient] Fish oil, Natual Vitamin E, Gelatin, Glycein, wate
[Efficiency ingedient and content] Evey 100g contains: DHA12.55g, EPA9.68g
[Health cae function] Impove the immunity
[Suitable goup] The one who has the low immunity
[Unsuitable goup] Young childen
[Dosage] 1 softgel each time, 3 times pe day
[Peiod of validity] 24 months
[Stoage] Seal, keep in cool and dy place
[Administe standad]Q/WNB 0112S
[Food sanitay license No.]Lu shi jian sheng zheng (lin) zi No.20110040
[Attention] This poduct can&squo;t instead of medicine; The poducts add nutients,can not be edible ove the ecommended amount o taken with the simila food togethe at the same time
[Poduction date and batch numbe]See the bottle