规格:60瓶/箱多效修护隔离霜Multi-effect Repaiing Potective base质地轻盈幼滑,能在肌肤表面迅速形成透气保护层,有效隔离外界脏空气、烟尘、彩妆等,同时增加细胞活力及水分,提高肌肤保护层的弹性,明显减少细纹跟斑点,让暗淡表皮重现光泽,令肌肤滋润光滑,无负担一整天。With its light and smooth natue, the poduct can fom ventilated potection laye quickly on the skin suface, theefoe segegate some dity ai, fume, cosmetic, meanwhile it will incease cell’s vigo and moistue, impove elasticity of skin potection laye, educe winkle and fleck, let you dull skin tun lustous, keep you skin moistuized and smooth.用法:取适量本品,均匀涂于脸部及颈部肌肤,避开眼部及嘴唇。Diections: Apply modeate amount of the poduct onto face and neck, avoiding use on eyes and lips.