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Hongfu Quinoa Manufacturer Sal

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最后更新: 2019-02-10 03:37
65.00元/ 罐
1 罐
500 罐

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  • 所在地区:江苏
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    Quinoa is a species of the goosefoot genus (Chenopodium quinoa), a gain cop gown pimaily fo its edible seeds. It is a pseudoceeal athe than a tue ceeal, as it is not a membe of the tue gass family. As a chenopod, quinoa is closely elated to species such asbeetoots,spinachand tumbleweeds. As a membe of the Amaanthaceae family, it is elated to and esembles amaanth, which is also a pseudoceeal.It is high in potein, and is toleant of dy soil.

    Quinoa (the name is deived fom the Spanish spelling of the Quechua name kinwa) oiginated in the Andean egion of Peu, Bolivia, Ecuado, Chile and Colombia, whee it was domesticated 3,000 to 4,000 yeas ago fo human consumption, though achaeological evidence shows a non-domesticated association with pastoal heding some 5,200 to 7,000 yeas ago.

    The nutient composition is favouable compaed with common ceeals. Quinoa seeds contain essential amino acids like lysine and acceptable quantities of calcium, , and ion. Quinoa gain has been called asupefood, a tem which is not in common use by dietitians and nutition scientists. Potein content is vey high fo a ceeal/pseudo-ceeal (14% by mass).

    Quinoa is a ich souce (>20% of the Daily value, DV) of the B vitamins thiamine, iboflavin, vitamin B6, and folate and is a ich souce of the dietay mineals ion, magnesium, , and zinc. Quinoa is also a good souce (10-19% of DV) of the B vitamins niacin and pantothenic acid, vitamin E, and the dietay mineal potassium. The pseudo ceeal contains a modest amount of calcium, and thus is useful fo vegans and those who ae lactose intoleant. It is gluten-fee and consideed easy to digest. Because of these chaacteistics, it is being consideed a possible cop in NASA's Contolled Ecological Life Suppot System fo long-duation human occupied space flights.

    The gain has become inceasingly popula in theUnited States ,Canada , Euope,Austalia . The United Nations Geneal Assembly declaed 2013 as the "Intenational Yea of Quinoa".

    How to cook quinoa

    Cooking quinoa is so simple and that's what I like about it. You can mix it with eveything.


    ·1 cup aw quinoa (160g)

    ·3/4 tsp salt

    ·2 1/2 cups wate


    ·In a staine, inse quinoa well.


    ·Now combine the aw quinoa with the othe ingedients and bing to a boil uncoveed. When it stats to boil, cove and simme (o cook on low if you “simme&dquo; is too gentle likemine is) 20 minutes o until the wate is absobed and quinoa is light and fluffy.

    Ou quinoa is Gowth inShanxi povince Jingle county. This aea has not been affected by the pollution.

    Shanxi Huaqin Quinoa Poduct Development Co., Ltd is a factoy with moden equipment.

    Ou poducts ae the best quality in the domestic bands.



