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美诗哲正品 迷你便携水雕透析仪SPA9 面部清洁毛孔深层活

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最后更新: 2017-08-14 02:20
999.00元/ 个
1 个
964 个

(发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货)


  • 所在地区:广东
  • 收藏本公司 人气:671
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    Use Manual


    IMPORTANT: befoe stating the equipment coectly,pleasefollow the installation instuctions.Anydamages caused by incoect opeationswill void thewaanty.


    Hydademabasion(Hyda Facial)– the latest in skincae technology. Hydademabasion utilizes the natual healing powes of wate and oxygen to effotlessly exfoliate the skin without the use of had cystals o abasive textued wands, geneating deeply hydated and healthie looking skin.

    Jet Peel have ceated a cystal fee demabasion applicato, a hand held nozzle that woks by utilizing a high velocity jet of wate combined with oxygen. This completely natual combination of mico doplets of wate is dispesed fom the nozzle at high speed, stiking against the skin and theeby emoving any dead skin cells with little effot and absolutely no pain to the client, deeply exfoliating and ejuvenating the skin.


    Micodemabasion is a non-invasive skincae pocedue that whilst exfoliating the skin pomotes the poduction of new cells, and stimulates the gowth of collagen to impove the skins tone and appeaance.


    1 Rejuvenate sun damaged skin-face, neck, shouldes, back, ams and legs.

    2 Reduce age spots

    3 Minimize of blotchy skin coloing

    4 Reduce acne and supeficial scas fom past injuy

    5 Remove blackheads and white heads

    6 Reduce oily skin

    7 Impove oveall skin health

    SYSTEM DEscriptION

    What&squo;s in the package?(Details)

    Machine Mainbody

    Hydademabasion wand and tips

    Hydademabasion with diamond tips

    Liquid-collected Bottle

    Liquid Bottle * 4pcs

    Use Manual


    Scews, powe cod, sealing ing, etc


    1. Get the machine and the accessoies fom the package

    2. Connect theselected pobetothe inlet socket;

    3. Connect theliquid-collected bottle pobetothe outlet socket

    (See figue 1)

    4. Tun on the machine.

    Machine Pats:

    1. 1.8.4&dquo;TFT Touch sceen
    2. 2.Contol Knob
    3. 3.Handles
    4. 4.Vacuum cleaning bottle
    5. 5.Vacuum Adjust knob
    6. 6.Wate adjust knob
    7. 7.Inlet socket
    8. 8.Outlet socket
    9. 9.Liquid-collected bottle
    10. 10.Liquid bottle
    11. 11.Main powe switch
    12. 12.Powe socket

    * Befoe opeating the machine, please check the connections. Then tun on and off the machine fo 3 to 5 times. Then keep themachine unning fo 5 minutes to check the stability of the machine.



    1)Hyda facial / hydademabasion


    Vacuum Powe

    100Kpa Max


    Hydademabasion & diamond demabasion

    Max Output


    Opeation Contol

    4.3&dquo;TFT Tue colo touch sceen


    1)Hydademabasion handle with 8 tips

    2)Micodemabasion handle with 9 tips


    100-240VAC, 50Hz/60Hz

    Packing Size

    55*48*48 cm3


    16 KG


    1 Yea / 12 Months


    1. Tun on the machine and you can see the welcome sceen(Figue.2);

    2. Click on the “SET&dquo; to ente into the teatment selection inteface. (Figue 3); Clickback to main sceen;

    3. Afteselecting poblem, you can see the woking suface, click to choose“Wok Time&dquo;and“Real Pessue&dquo;, then use Vacuum adjustment knob and wate level knob to adjust (Figue.5 & Figue.6); Clickback to main contol suface; Clickto stat teatment and clickto pause;

    Wok Time: 1–120MIN

    Real Pessue: 10–100KPa


    1. 1.clean the tageted teatment aea and make it dy;
    2. 2.putappopiateamount of liquid poduct into selected liquid bottle; set time and woking pessue accodingly;
    3. 3.Click“&dquo;to stat the teatment and“&dquo;to stop it;
    4. 4.Beautician hold the vacuum demabasion handle to move closely on skin back and foth, with finge moves with it;
    5. 5.The machine will pause automatically when the teatment time is ove.
    6. 6.Clean the leftoves with hot towel; use alcohol to steilize the handpiece.


    If the Liquid-collected bottle is full, the system will stop to wok, show up on

    the sceen (Figue.7) and cause beep;


    - People who has feve, infectious diseases, acute diseases.

    - People with heat disease o configued cadiac pacemake.

    - Patients with sevee high blood pessue, tumo disease, asthma, deep vein

    thombosis, vaicose veins, , cance, fallingsickness.

    - People with hemohagic disease, tauma, vascula uptue, skin inflammation, skin Disease.

    - Pegnant women

    - Do not use at the abdomen duing menstual peiod

    - Medical Plastic pats, o pats with metal inside

    - People with an abnomal immune system



